Wednesday 28 April 2010

MTA Records/ Logo

This is the current logo for MTA Records, i think as a logo it is okay, I don't necessarily think it represents the label in terms of genre. However i prefer this than the other examples i have posted that are more 'chavy' and street inspired. I think the labels image should be pushing it forward, gathering focus from a newer audience. Pushing the genre and music forward.
Concerning aesthetics it's fairly pleasing, the circular design is the highlight, personally I dont like the typeface used, I am fond of the style of it, light to regular bold, fixed width, electronic looking. Ha so i guess in the sense that the type, after some thought does look a little electronic it is representative of the music label in some way. One big thing that annoys me about it, the 'a'. grabs too much attention.

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Existing/ Record labels

Some existing logo designs for similar genre'd record labels. Some are quite nice and others maybe not so nice however are representative of the type of music they produce and what not.
Looking at the label, Tempa. I've posted this image recently as i had found the design agency that created it recently! Give Up Art, a London based agency create a lot of work for the music industry. They designed the logo for Tempa alongside the majority of its visual identity, including promotional posters, flyers and album / EP artwork. I like the simplicity of it, i think its Helvetica Bold Italic. Kerned. I think its a good look for a dubstep label, dubstep is quite minimal in the sense that its mostly just bass driven, and the design represents that. Using italics makes it look like its got pace, as though its a high paced / energy label. A much better look than say Playaz label logo.
I also really like the Hospital logo. The biggest label out of the examples here and arguably the strongest logo. Unlike Tempa it has the typical look of a brand / logo, with the H in a circle design. This giving advantages for range and distribution, as essentially the logo doesn't need the Hospital type included in it. Clean, Clear, Bold. Stands alone and is strong, which arguably the label does also. The design is also cleverly produced, the circle represents a vinyl or cd, so the possibilities of printing onto vinyls, CD's and their covers is already established. Something to keep in mind,

Where can the logo be printed / seen
Where should it be printed / seen
whats appropriate to the label / subject of music.

MTA Records

This other than the logo itself is the only form of visual identity the label has, not a fan of the stock paint splats, the colour of the circular logo, the circular design on the right is nice but doesnt fit within the other style of the design. However benefit of the doubt, it is under construction.

Thursday 22 April 2010

Give Up Art design agency

Give Up Art, London based agency. Most of their work is based around the subject of music. specifically electro and dubstep, producing a range of work from logo's to album covers to editorial work and promo posters. Really like the work and some of it i think sums me up as a designer, fairly similar styles i think.

JDK design agency

JDK, an American agency with offices in New York, Vermont and Oregon. I found these guys from researching into the design of snowboards. What i found out was that JDK created the visual identity for Burton. Which is pretty much the biggest brand within snowboarding, amazing. The majority of their other work is also beautiful, specially some quality examples of editorial work.

Music design agency

Manchester based design agency, I've referred to some of their work in the past projects, its just quality stuff. The work they have done for Man City FC is shit hot, love the design for the stadium, type and that. To create work on that scale is something i aspire to!