Tuesday 14 December 2010


Another branding identity i found on Behance. This time being for a creative agency in Norway.
Firslty... Black, White and a motherfucking bright colour. Always said it, good graphic design = black white and a bright colour. Its hard to go wrong with it. This being a brilliant example i think of when it goes right!
Personalised business cards. Really relates to my second brief, where I myself has had to create individual business cards within the same set. Essentially we have both done the same (designer here and I) Same layout and colours, but photo of the designer. For me I have the same layout and what not but each DJ's logo, but one more thing I've done is change the colours on the front, making it more obvious at a tiny glance who it is for, not only associating subjects with their logo but also a specific chosen colour.

Really strong example of a range within a brand stationary, being a design agency they can afford and well benefit from having a really extensive range of stationary as to show clients what they cant to, no limits and all that, what I intend on doing for my second brief is having a credible range as this but try to keep it really appropriate to the subject at hand, that being music / DJ's etc.

Beautiful. I intend on checking this studio out an all. `

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