Thursday 25 November 2010

Atelier Martino & Jana

Two Portuguese designers came together and made Atelier Martino & Jana.
Came across their Behance page, again looking at pieces of editorial and publications.
For the last couple of years they have been producing these Jazz journals, annual publications.
This being their latest and my favourite.
And surprise surprise, black and white with one colour. Oh how I do love that scheme. Just makes everything look better.
In comparison to my last post this is a much more busy editorial with substantial text. Looking at these DPS's it does look as though there are a lot of words on the pages but I would safely say that there are more words on a page than you'd first think.
The publication itself is aimed at a fairly niche market so even though there appears to be quite a bit of text the readers will no doubt have a keen interest in Jazz and therefore want to read it.
One thing I like about this is the use of colour black / red on the pages, separating parts of the text and generally making the thing look a lot more pleasing. Furthermore it helps build the correct Hierarchy, (see second image). Furthermore loving the off-white stock. Off-late I've been avoiding using white stock, I feel it makes work look to bare at times and often the texture is a bit shit with white stock, sugar-paper, news print is what Im feeling and have been using of late and here is an example of similar use. This I feel would not look as interesting / appealing as it does here.
Another interesting part of this editorial, the amount of typefaces used, quite hard to do and not make it look too busy and hectic to read / mess up the hierarchy, props.

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